Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Get Your AQ Whistles!

The whistles come in four colors:
blue, green, red, and purple.
A long, long time ago, way back on April 4, 2011, Housepitality Hostess posted to the message boards suggesting an AQ whistle for premium members. I liked the idea of a whistle--it's considered one of the ten essentials by many people and can help in an emergency when cell phone coverage is weak or spotty while out beating the trails in search of letterboxes. I saw no sense in restricting them just for premium members, but I liked the idea of an AQ whistle. So I poked around, looked up several companies that could create custom whistles, got some prices, and decided, hey--this is doable!

So I ordered them, and 100 bright and pretty whistles arrived this afternoon. Amanda grabbed a green one for herself, blew into it, and I can assure you--these things really work well! I ordered 25 in each of four different colors: red, blue, purple, and green.

And they are now available for sale in the AQ Marketplace! If you want one, order yours today! Once I sell out, I'm not sure if I'll order more or not. I guess it depends on how popular they are. I definitely won't be ordering more until I'm running low of all colors--so if you have a favorite color that sells out, there won't be more coming until maybe all of the other colors have sold out as well.

Happy (and safe!) trails!

-- Ryan


Okie Dog said...

Ryan, I am buying 3 but my printer is on the blink, so I just wrote the information on a piece of typing paper and sending, with my check. Mailing out tomorrow, 4-27-11. OD

wassamatta_u said...

"They've even been known to scare off moose!"

Sheesh, I'm not even safe in the Marketplace!

Ryan said...

People need protection from you, Wassa. The eye bleach was designed to protect against you too. ;o)

-- Ryan

Housepitality Hostess said...

YAYYYY! I'm so STINKIN' EXCITED! I let out a LOUD YAHOOOOOO here at work! Hopefully no one heard me! Please sign me up for a RED one!!

Blessings and THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Housepitality Hostess

Christie said...

Is the purple one sold out already??? I clicked the AQ Marketplace link and only saw red, blue, and green. I would love a purple one. ;)

SJ Honey Bunny

Sarcasmo said...

Hi Ryan
I'd like to order 2 purple whistles as well! Where do I send the check?

Ryan said...

I'm not out of purple and red whistles--you'll have to catch those colors the next time they're available. Sorry. =(

-- Ryan

Prairie Rose said...

Holy smokes! Good thing I ordered last night and didn't wait to think on it a while! Impulsive purchases can be a good thing!

Fluffy Cow said...

Order more.
*pouting that I missed this*

Goofy girl said...


I bought the pencils and eye bleach patches... I WANT SOME WHISTLES TOO!!!!!!!!

Pretty Please ***bats eyelashes***

Ryan said...

I just realized that I posted that I'm "not" out of purple and red. It was supposed to say "now"!

Doesn't matter, though--I'm NOW out of all colors, but I have ordered more and hopefully I'll have them available again in a couple of weeks! =)

-- Ryan

Housepitality Hostess said...

Okay, Ryan! Now here's the NEXT suggestion....WHEN are you gonna start offering us: AQ Messenger Bags?! AQ Wind Jammer Jackets?! AQ Ball Caps?! SIGN ME UP! I WANNA BUY ONE OF EACH! :-D
hee hee hee! Just stirin' the pot!

Housepitality Hostess

P.S. Anyone else out there want ANY of these?! C'mon? AnyBODY!?