Friday, March 31, 2023

AQ Completes Hostile Takeover of LbNA!

Your AQ-loyalty will be
marked with a crown!

Yes, it's finally true. I've taken over LbNA. Some of you have noticed the subtle changes happening over on that other site. Suspicious icons that looked awfully similar to those used on AQ. Weird bugs suddenly showing up. There are, in any major coup, kinks to be worked out, and that's been keeping me pretty busy.

I've also been making some tweaks to AQ as a result of the takeover, which I've posted about in more detail there. The main changes you'll see are the new crown and dagger icons by member trailnames to mark AQ-loyalists (the crown) and LbNA loyalists (the dagger). More tweaks will be forthcoming, but that's the main one you'll see for now.

Suggestions and comments are welcome! And if you don't like any of my changes, I'd normally tell you to just use LbNA instead, but I guess that won't work anymore. So just start geocaching instead!

Happy trails!

LbNA-loyalists will be marked with a backstabbing knife



1 comment:

BeckyG said...

OMG! Noooo! Not that!

Good one, Ryan. Happy 4/1!