Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Directional Searches

I was off walking around this afternoon, thinking about directional searches. You might be wondering what a directional search is--I haven't talked about them much. Mostly because Atlas Quest never had such a thing. In fact, it's not even something that had ever occurred to me before!

You'd start a directional search just like any other run-of-the-mill search. I, for instance, might run a letterbox search for Seattle, WA, and AQ will display all boxes within 30 miles of Seattle. It's a handy little search and has been the core of letterbox searches since AQ went live. But let's say I'm driving northwest from Seattle. I obviously wouldn't care about all boxes within 30 miles of Seattle--I'd really only be interested in boxes northwest of Seattle, the direction I'm headed!

That's what I'm talking about a directional search--an additional layer on top of the regular location-based search that would pick out only those boxes located in a specific direction from your location.

And it occurred to me... it really shouldn't be very difficult to implement such an option. In theory (knock on wood!), it could even be easy to implement!

So I sat down this evening and started working on it. And it was a relatively easy option to add!

It's a new Advanced Search option that shows up right after the distance. By default, no direction is selected, but you can choose N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, or NW as options.

And now, I can run a search for boxes northwest of Seattle. Just look at all those directional arrows, like little soldiers and marching in the same direction! =)

Happy trails!


Okie Dog said...

Really cool, Ryan. Thanks.

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Waaaaaaay cool! I always do an "exact location" search, because I've always felt that the radius search pulled way more info than I wanted to wade through. This sounds like a great option - very glad to see it!

Anonymous said...

Guess we will have to plan another trip so we can use this option! Thanks.

Yumgirl said...

Yea! Just in time for our big move to Connecticut and the road trip to get there! WAY cool! Can't wait to try it out.

Jenn said...

I didn't even realize how much I wanted this until I read this post, so helpful-I am going to try it out this weekend!

BBStacker said...

Ya know, that's why I love AQ. There's always something improved, something new, always fun. Thanks GT I'll get to use this new feature in a couple of weeks.

Lady Slpa said...

How nice of you to implement this just 9 days before my trip out west. Very handy when I want to keep moving west. Don't tease me with all those other boxes around me, I'll be driving around in circles for years! Yup, better to focus on one direction. Thanks!

Karla said...

This will be helpful, I will start seeing if I can figure it out as I go here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Thank you, Ryan! - Yiker

Anonymous said...

OK, somebody already said "Really cool" and somebody else already said "Way cool" and I agree with both of them so . . .

Waaaaaaay really cool

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah......we're gonna love this option! Thanks, Ryan.

Sue KuKu said...

I'm going to say Too Kewl!

Thanks for this. I know this is really going to help!


Anonymous said...

I always wanted to do this! Awesome and thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Previously, I was able to sort the boxes by the arrows and did that when I wanted something in a certain direction. However, that is cool that it is searchable.

Ryan said...

You still can sort boxes based on their direction. The only difference now is that you can also filter boxes based on their direction instead! =)

-- ryan

Denise Vajdak said...

I can see this coming in very handy. Thanks Ryan!

Bungalow Boxer said...

Hey Ryan! This is very cool! However, I'm finding that there's a problem with the search when I put in my home town and ask for boxes within 30 miles. Boxes farther from my house are coming up before boxes that are closer. I think the mileage is off on some towns. I realize that the mileage is via the crow flies rather than roads, but Middlefield is much further from Marlborough than 14 miles. I have to go through Portland to get there, but Portland is very far down the list, and it's much closer.

Anonymous said...

Sweeeeet! This is perfect. Thank you so much!


Anonymous said...

AWESOME.... a wonderful added feature that IMHO we all we find extremely useful! Thank you!


Anonymous said...

I've been using this for an upcoming road trip - it's SO HELPFUL, and way more useful to me than trying to use trip planner! Thanks Green Geek, errrrrrr, I mean Tortuga!!!
Wise Wanderer